The "Girls" from the Class of 1979 in 2029

Wendy and Sue were in band together

"The Girls" in our 1979 yearbook
"The Girls" today (2013)
"The Girls" in our 50s 
The girls and I have kept in touch over the years.  We have all had different life stories and represent much of the different family "types" today.  Collectively we represent the population in traditional marriage with children, married with blended family, never married, divorced with no children, and divorced with children.  Our varied lives provide colorful stories when we get together.  One of us lives in a different state while the rest of us live close by each other.  What is interesting is that we only seem to get together when she comes to town - even though the rest of us could get together anytime!  

"The Girls" in our 40's

Although our personalities remain pretty stable over time, our life experiences affect our perspectives as we age.  Our single friend seems more isolated as she gets older.  I don't think her health is good, and I think finances are a strain.  Of the married friends, one is focused on enjoying the empty nest, while the other has a younger child and is in the motherhood stage.  The two divorcees are enjoying their significant others.  Of the two childless friends one wishes she'd had children while the other was glad she didn't.  One of us lost her mother, four of us lost fathers, and none of us have lost siblings or children.  All of us have either a dog, a cat, or both.  I would consider all but one of us as middle-class.  All of us are working still.  We are in our early 50s.  Two of us work in education while the other three work in staff or administrative positions.  

Our single friend complains of body limitations and medical concerns that she admits to not taking care of.  She does not like to go to the doctor, and tends to self medicate with wine.  She likes her solitude and her cats.  She admits that she doesn't like people that much and tends to be cranky toward them at work.  Non of us stops by without calling first.  When we get together she is witty and wise.  She makes us all laugh and she is a caring soul.  The cranky girl is long gone. The rest of us see doctors regularly but none of us have any chronic illness.  All of us are going through the female changes and complain of less physical flexibility and patience.  Only a couple of us exercise with any regularity, and all of us enjoy our wine and snacks!

So what will we be like at 68?  I hope we are as energetic as this spry 68 year-old

68 year-old Body Builder

I suspect that our personalities will continue to remain stable and our sense of humor intact.  At 68 we will be retired and focused on our financial sustainability.  Family will be a large focus, especially as new members are added or born.  Friends will also be a focus as for us.  With fewer responsibilities we might get together more often. 

robot friend
Technology will have advanced to a stage where we will all be involved with it in some way.  It is interesting to read how Ray Kurzweil predicts the world will change.  I suspect that some of what he says may come to pass.  Kurzweil (2014) predicts the use of artificial intelligence in the year 2030.  It is hard to imagine a car driving by itself or crops grown and maintained by robots.  How about a robot friend?  Then again, my mother would never have imagined reaching across miles through a little electronic book held in her lap either, but it happened.

I imagine our single friend will not age well becoming less mobile as her health continues to decline.  I suspect that she will withdraw more into a life of isolation.  Living alone can accelerate the aging process if you are not active mentally and physically.  With this friend, her body's limitations will continue to decline as well as her health if she continues to avoid medical guidance and treatment.  She might increase her dependence on non-medical substances to ease her malaise.   Emotionally she would become withdrawn and less inclined to attend social functions.  She may even develop some fears about leaving the house.  Of course, I hope that none of this happens and she is inspired to improve her habits and health.  We love her so much!!

Retirement party with some late 60ers
I imagine the rest of us will continue to be in our respective relationships.  As people age we seek closer social connections and are less likely to stray from relationships.  We will begin a life of grand parenting or grand "Aunting".  We will look forward to trips and social engagements.  We will celebrate our retirement in style.    Our activity level will stay constant.  Those of us who are active will remain active.  Those of us who are sedentary will remain that way.  Unless there is some motivating factor - such as an ultimatum of "if you don't ___ you will ___" we won't change our lifestyle. We will begin to look to the future with excitement.  Perhaps we will retire closer to our loved ones.  We might move to warmer climate, such as this couple who plan on retiring to Florida.  Our worries will be focused on our finances and health.  We will stress over our loved ones, but the shift will gradually begin to take place where our younger family members will begin to worry about us.
I expect that we will have either lost our parents by our late 60s or be their caretakers.  For the three of us who have children, we might be "sandwiched" between caring for our elderly parent and semi-supporting our middle-aged child.  The day of leaving home forever is long gone.  Today's families resemble yo-yo's.  

I expect our mobility will be decreasing as ailments are increasing, and some of us will be bragging about new bionic parts.  I doubt any of us will still have our gall bladders and all of us will take a pill for something.  We may be inspired toward spirituality or church, and could be active in group activities.  Most of us will do some volunteer work or hold down a part-time job.  The aging process affects body stature and we may finally lose weight!

As we say good-bye to our 60s, we will reflect on our past.  We will remember high school and reminisce about the events that were both shared and enjoyed separately.  We will reflect on lost friends and family.  We will worry about our loved ones and our single friend.  We will embrace the aging process and look forward to our respective futures.  I imagine us together again and again  posing for photos with big smiles on our faces...strong, hardy, people.  

1 comment:

  1. Wendy, what a creative way of talking about a "class" reunion. Great reading and I really appreciate how you have stayed in touch. I really have not stayed in touch with any of my high school friends and regret that in many ways. Even though there were real differences in the "friends" over time, you have not let that come between you. One my my neighbors growing up, two years younger than me, said when I saw her at my Mom's funeral, that she and her classmates have had a h.s. reunion every year since they graduated in 1958. I envy but can hardly imagine that closeness. Some of my classmates who live nearby (about 15 to 20 of them) get together for breakfast each month. I have never been, but enjoy hearing little snippets about these get togethers from our "class president" who maintains a steady stream of emails to us all.

    Interestingly, when I directed a huge funded project in the 80s at SU, we used scanners to digitize adult education information. I never met him, but when I went to California to meet with some scanner developers, I met a colleague of Ray Kurzweil. This was when I also met Steve Jobs very briefly as we were looking at the Next computer. We wound up going with another company completely for both computer and scanner but it was an interesting time.

    Have you seen the movie, "Her?" If not, I recommend it. It comes very close to emulating the robot notion you described and how computer intelligence can become close to real (although in the end it turned a bit dark in my view). Somewhere I have recently heard about another movie in the works where some inventor finds away of storing his memories and then after death begins to reemerge. Creepy sounding but perhaps some possibilities there.

    I have really, really appreciated the way you have incorporated sound and video through links and your interviewing into your blogs. You constantly grow in your knowledge about any subject and you have such a great way of recording and portraying it. Another great job.
